Madam Arthur II
The magnificent CEO, Madam Phoebe II, our glorious leader here at IntelliTech Solutions. Her innovation and decisive decision making lead the way for this garage-started company to blast off into where we are today.
Regional Manager
Patricia Lewis
The rigteous Regional Mangaer, Patricia Lewis, has been helping in leading IntelliTech Solutions to a prosperous future for over 30 years. Her great admiration for success and her empathetic nature are the two key ingredients to what makes Patricia the best of the best.
Gianni Paltrov
Our brilliant CFO, Gianni Paltrov, has innovated our understanding of finnace and economic exploration to incredible heights. His invaluable understanding of economics and finance has skyrocketted IntelliTech's profits to indescribable heights, allowing for a surge in innovation and the ability to host our grand charity events every year!
Ishod Harrington
The immaculte CMO, Ishod Harrington, has marketed our company in unbelievable ways. The success of our business relies on customers finding our business in the first place, and Ishod has more than put our company on the map, he permanetly secured our reputation to the public. He has truly been a priceless gift for IntelliTech Solutions.