The Correlation Between the Amount of Sleep and Spiders one eats during their sleep
4 People got different levels of sleep, all with different levels of spiders consumed
Person A |
Person B |
Person C |
Person D |
6 Hours of sleep |
3 Spiders consumed |
2 Spiders consumed |
5 Spiders consumed |
7 Hours of sleep |
7 Spiders consumed |
8 Spiders consumed |
10 Spiders consumed |
4 Spiders consumed |
8 Hours of sleep |
15 Spiders consumed |
12 Spiders consumed |
14 Spiders consumed |
9 Hours of sleep |
19 Spiders consumed |
20 Spiders consumed |
- As evident by the data on this table, the more one sleeps, the more likely one is to consume more spiders
- The same amount of spiders consumed were more likely to occur at later hours of sleep, indicating spider consumption levels out in later hours of sleep
- Everybody will consume different levels of spiders, regardless of sleeping in the same enviornment and bed, meaning spiders do not have a preference for which person they prefer to be consumed by